A study of biochemical profile of chronic renal failure patients in tertiary care hospital: a cross sectional study
CKD, GFR, Biochemical profileAbstract
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) describes abnormal kidney function and/or structure. Investigations are focused on assessment of renal function and therefore stage of CKD, identification of the underlying cause and assessment of complications of CKD.Earliest identification of any deviation can help in early intervention & prevention of morbidity & mortality.
Methods: 50 patients of CKD admitted at GG Hospital, a tertiary care hospital, Jamnagar during period of 1 year, were included. Data were collected by means of interviewing the patients and serological investigations.
Results: 24% patients had hyperglycemias & 36% patients had impaired glucose tolerance. Almost all biochemical markers were elevated. 86% (43) had High blood urea. All the patients had Serum creatinine level above the normal range for age & sex. 72% (36) patients had hyponatremia & 4% (2) patients had hypernatremia. 22% (11) patients had hypokalemia & 40% (20) patients had hyperkalemia. 38% (19) patients had hypocalcaemia & 6% (3) patients had hypocalcaemia.
Conclusions: There must be prescribed protocol for all CRF patients for estimating biochemical profile so that any complication can be identified at earliest & intervened to prevent morbidity & mortality.
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