Factors affecting the adoption of modern fish farming technologies in Gokwe South District, Zimbabwe


  • Stellah Dube Department of Livestock, Wildlife and Fisheries Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
  • Nyasha Mabika Department of Biological Sciences and Ecology, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe




Aquaculture, Gokwe, Stakeholder, Technology


Background: Fish are a source of cheap protein to many rural communities in Zimbabwe. Unfortunately, very few fish farmers are not willing to adopt modern fish farming technologies in order to boost fish production. The study was carried out in order to establish the factors that are affecting fish farmers in adopting the modern fish farming technologies in Gokwe South District, Zimbabwe.

Methods: A household survey using a structured questionnaire was administered in February 2022.

Results: Sixty-four respondents participated in the survey and the majority (73%) were males. Most (47%) of the fish farmers were above 46 years. The common source of fish farming information was through non-governmental organizations (NGO) (40%) and through government departments (27%). The challenges affecting fish farmers in the area included financial constraints (40%), absence of markets (26%), lack of fishing equipment in local shops (13%) and the absence of fishing inputs and equipment in local shops (13%). Water shortage was the major (27%) factor affecting the adoption of modern technologies and this was followed by financial constraints (20%), political interference (20%), traditional and cultural beliefs (13%) and lack of knowledge (7%).

Conclusions: Modern fish farming technologies need to be fully embraced to raise both food and nutrition security particularly in rural communities. This can be achieved by the involvement of the government, traditional leaders, NGO and other stake holders in the provision of funds, training, monitoring and implementing of fishery projects in the area.


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How to Cite

Dube, S., & Mabika, N. (2022). Factors affecting the adoption of modern fish farming technologies in Gokwe South District, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 9(1), 11–16. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-2156.IntJSciRep20223371



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