Theruptor Novo dressing for an infected diabetic foot ulcer: a case study


  • B. Pavan Department of Podiatry, Karnataka Institute of Endocrinology and Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India



Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic foot ulcer, Theruptor Novo


In diabetes mellitus (DM) patients with peripheral neuropathy, the diabetic foot infection (DFI) often begins with a small wound that patients may not easily detect and then progresses to a more complex wound. Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is estimated to occur in approximately in 25% of individuals with diabetes in India. The bacterial infection is one of the important cause for the chronicity of DFU and are accountable for the high medical costs as well as affecting patients’ quality of life significantly. Preventing DFU secondary infections is an important function of wound dressing. There are many wound dressings available for DFU, and choosing the right dressing is one of the important parameter in the management and ultimately preventing the limb amputation. In this case, the patient presented with non-healing infected DFU and we used Theruptor Novo dressings for the wound management. The Theruptor Novo dressing was efficient in exudate management and preventing secondary infection which helped in accelerated DFU healing.


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How to Cite

Pavan, B. (2023). Theruptor Novo dressing for an infected diabetic foot ulcer: a case study. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 9(12), 406–408.



Case Reports