Sezary syndrome with pulmonary involvement: a case report
Mycosis fungoides, Sezary syndrome, LungAbstract
Mycosis fungoides and sezary syndrome are the type of cutaneous T cell lymphoma characterized by localization of malignant T-lymphocytes in the skin at presentation. Mycosis fungoides (MF) is characterized by an epidermotropic skin infiltrate of atypical CD4-positive helper T-cell clones, and sezary syndrome (SS), is characterized by erythroderma and leukemia. Here we are presenting a case of 50 year old male who presented with extensive skin lesions along with breathlessness since 25 days and fever, was misdiagnosed as end stage sarcoidosis on CT chest, but later proved to be pulmonary involvement of sezary syndrome. The objective of our study is to describe our experience identifying lung involvement by CTCL on the basis of clinical and radiographic findings.Metrics
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