Iranian stroke patient’s perception of dignity, autonomy and privacy: a questionnaire survey


  • Behnam Sadeghzadeh Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
  • Ghasem Fattahzadeh-Ardalani Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Iran
  • Azad Rahmani Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
  • Vahid Zamanzadeh Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
  • Mojgan Behshid Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
  • Arman Azadi Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Iran



Dignity, Autonomy, Privacy, Stroke


Background: Patients with stroke have many problems which may have adverse effects on opportunities for dignified care. So, any plans to improve the providing of dignified care in these patients need to identify the level of maintaining their dignity in hospital settings and its related factors in particular privacy and autonomy. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to recognize the level of self-perceived dignity and its relationships with the perception of respected autonomy and privacy among Iranian stroke patients.

Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was undertaken among 166 patients with stroke admitted to a public educational centre affiliated to Ardebil University of Medical Sciences, Ardebil/Iran. They were selected using convenience sampling method. Patients’ levels of self-perceived dignity, autonomy and privacy were assessed using valid questionnaires.  

Results: The study findings showed a significant negative correlation between patients’ self-perceived dignity and autonomy. Also there was no significant relationship between patients’ self-perceived dignity and patients’ perception of protected privacy.

Conclusions: According to the findings of this study respect to autonomy of patient increases the amount of patient dignity. But there isn’t this relationship about respect to the privacy of patient.


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How to Cite

Sadeghzadeh, B., Fattahzadeh-Ardalani, G., Rahmani, A., Zamanzadeh, V., Behshid, M., & Azadi, A. (2016). Iranian stroke patient’s perception of dignity, autonomy and privacy: a questionnaire survey. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 2(9), 237–241.



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