A study of prevalence of primary hypothyroidism in recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care hospital
DM (Diabetes mellitus), SH (Subclinical hypothyroidism, FT4 (Free levohyroxine), TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone)Abstract
Background: The association between thyroid dysfunction and DM has long been recognized, although the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among diabetes population varies in different studies. This study destined to know the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction of recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
Methods: Retrospective chart review of 60 patients with type 2 diabetes mellituswas done. Total 60 patients (male 51, female9) fulfillingdiagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus according to ADA (American Diabetes Association) criteria were analysed by doing Thyroid Function Test (FT4,TSH).
Results: 75% of patients have the biochemical features of thyroid dysfunction. Subcategorically in descending order of frequency they are - Subclinical hypothyroidism (33.33%) (defined by no symptoms or clinical fetures of hypothyroidism but biochemically TSH level in the range of above 5 mIU/ml but below 10 mIU/ml with normal FT4 level), 15% of patients each for overt hypothyroidism (either clinical features or Biochemically TSH >10 mIU/ml or FT4 below normal), and subclinical hyperthyroidism (only biochemical low level of TSH <0.34 mIU/ml in this study) and 11.667% patients show the features of clinical hyperthyroidism (clinical or FT4 level well above normal range along with low TSH).
Conclusions: Avery high prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in this part of world in contrast to Europe & US suggest routine screening for thyroid disorder in recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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