Assessment of magnitude of risk sexual behavior among Mizan high school and preparatory school students, South West, Ethiopia, 2016: descriptive cross-sectional study


  • Alemayehu Sayih Belay Mizan Tepi University, College of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Ethiopia
  • Yohannes Worku Mizan Tepi University, College of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Ethiopia
  • Tsion Addisu Mizan Tepi University, College of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Ethiopia
  • Addis Alemneh Mizan Tepi University, College of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Ethiopia



Risk sexual behavior, Mizan high school and preparatory school, Ethiopia


Background: Risky sexual behavior increases the likelihood of adverse sexual and reproductive health consequences such as unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortion and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. Adolescent in Sub Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia are highly risky to various risky sexual behaviors. The aim of this study is to assess the magnitude of risky sexual behavior Among High School and Preparatory School Students in Mizan town, Ethiopia.

Methods: Schools based cross sectional study design were conducted from April 23 – 27, 2016 in high school and preparatory school students in Mizan town and the data will be collected through self-administered questionnaire. Total of 308 study subject were included in the study. Individuals were selected through simple random sampling techniques. Data was entered and analyzed by using SPSS version 20.  

Results: A total of 308 study subjects were participated. About 204 (66%) of them were between the age of 16-18 years. The overall risk sexual behaviors of the respondents were about 158 (51.3%). Regarding to their sexual partner, about 20(18.87%) of them were had sex with commercial sex workers.

Conclusions: A considerable number of students have practiced risky sexual behavior that might predispose them to different sexual and reproductive health problems. Risky sexual behaviors were proven by having sex under the influence of alcohol and khat, having multiple sexual partners, having sexual intercourse with commercial sex workers and low practice of utilization of condoms.


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How to Cite

Belay, A. S., Worku, Y., Addisu, T., & Alemneh, A. (2018). Assessment of magnitude of risk sexual behavior among Mizan high school and preparatory school students, South West, Ethiopia, 2016: descriptive cross-sectional study. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 4(3), 68–74.



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