Physicochemical and micronutrients properties of vermicompost produced from municipal solid waste in National Thermal Power Corporation, Barh, Bihar, India
Vermicompost, Physicochemical, Micronutrients, NTPC, IndiaAbstract
Background: The present study has been carried out to investigate the physicochemical and micronutrients properties of vermicompost generated from the major municipal biodegradable solid waste (fruits and vegetables) by using two common species of earthworm i.e., Eisenia foetida and Eudrilus eugenia in National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), Barh, Bihar (India).
Methods: Compost pH was measured in distilled water (free of CO2) using 10 g of compost sample and 25 ml distilled water (ratio 1:2.5). The suspension was agitated for 3-5 min and placed for half an hour before measuring the pH value with a glass. Organic carbon was measured by Walkey and Black method, total N by Kajeldahl method, P2O5 was determined by means of colorimetric method and K2O, Cu, Zn, Mo, Mn, Fe and B were determined by the means of Hi Media Kit.
Results: Among the micronutrients in harvested vermicompost, increase in Zn, Cu and B contents and slight decrease in Mo content were observed when compared to standards given in soil health card of the State Government of Bihar. Mn and Fe were found to be critical in the harvested vermicompost samples. The level of boron (B) in vermicompost was found much higher than the required availability in the soil.
Conclusions: On the basis of overall physicochemical as well as micronutrients properties of the vermicompost prepared in NTPC is of better quality in compared to the other vermicompost.
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