Resolving the electron-positron mass annihilation mystery


  • William S. Oakley Nano-Scale Storage Systems, Inc. (aka NS3), San Jose, CA 95129



Electron-positron mass annihilation, Metric curvature, Event horizon, Curvature reversal


Mutual annihilation of low energy electrons and positrons results in two photons of equal energy. The annihilation is consistent with charge conservation but both particles have positive mass, so how do two positive masses annihilate? The issue is resolved by considering particles electromagnetic (EM) energy localized by curvature of the space-time metric. The curvature extends into the surrounding metric forming the particle’s gravitational field, usually attributed as due to mass by the observer, but only the curved space-time metric exists. In principle both positive and negative metric curvatures could exist and display positive and negative masses respectively, but both would possess positive energy. For the electron EM energy circulates in the observer domain and outside but close to an event horizon (EH), the positive metric curvature results in the impression of positive mass. Symmetry suggests positron energy circulates inside an EH and should have negative curvature. It is posited metric field curvature reverses on passage through an event horizon, thus the positron positive mass apparent to the observer arises from negative metric curvature inside the particle EH. The opposite metric curvatures of the electron and positron cancel on annihilation, eliminating their gravitational effects and thereby their apparent masses.


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Author Biography

William S. Oakley, Nano-Scale Storage Systems, Inc. (aka NS3), San Jose, CA 95129



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How to Cite

Oakley, W. S. (2015). Resolving the electron-positron mass annihilation mystery. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 1(6), 250–252.



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