Cyclic loading; its impact on the orthodontic tooth movement in growing patients: in vivo study
Accelerated orthodontics, Vibrations, Vibratory stimulation, Grid method, Orthodontic tooth movementAbstract
Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of vibratory stimulation on the orthodontic tooth movement rate in growing patients and to compare the orthodontic tooth movement rate in experimental and control sides.
Methods: Split-mouth design study was done on 30 growing fixed appliance therapy orthodontic cases with bilateral first premolar extractions in maxillary arch. Individual canine retractions were performed in all the subjects with type-1 active tiebacks. Oral-B powered toothbrushes (125 Hz) were used to provide vibratory stimulation for 15 minutes per day (splits into 5 minutes thrice a day). The tooth movement was measured with calibrated digital vernier caliper clinically at various time intervals (T0, T1 and T2). OPG were taken at regular mentioned time intervals and grid method was used to calculate the tooth movement on OPGs.
Results: Results were evaluated statistically and the p-value revealed significantly increased rate of tooth movement on experimental side as compared to control side.
Conclusions: The high-frequency vibratory stimulation along with fixed orthodontic appliance can reduce treatment time expeditiously in growing patients. Powered toothbrushes can use successfully for providing vibrations to enhance the rate of tooth movement.
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