Orthodontic management in medically compromised patients
Medically compromised, Orthodontic considerations, General managementAbstract
Medically compromised patients are increasing in number day by day who are seeking orthodontic care. For majority of the medical emergencies orthodontic treatment is not contraindicated but special care and precautions are necessary for their successful treatment without any further complication. One of the most important things that patients can do with their medical history is to share it with health care providers. Medical history helps to provide best possible treatment to the patient and thus helps to maintain good health. Successful orthodontic treatment can be done for most patients with relevant management. Actively managing this will avoid numerous complications, life threatening emergencies and will avoid many medico-legal incidents. This article enlightens the possible medical emergencies faced by orthodontist in day-to-day practice and helps to understand the management of such patients.
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