Upgrade theory of relativity from version 1.0 to version 2.0





2.0 version of relativity, Relativistic effect, Retardance of field, Maxwell's equations, Einstein's gravitational field equation


The relativistic effect in special relativity is motion effect. For example, the clock of movement slows down and the quality of movement increases. The Maxwell equations do not take into account the motion of the field source (the delayed potential and the delayed field are not considered to move in the electromagnetic interaction). The effect of increasing mass due to motion and postponing gravitational field on gravitational interaction is not taken into account by general relativity. The effect of "mass increases duo to motion" and “retardance of gravitational field” on gravitational interaction is not taken into account by general relativity. There are still some logical contradictions in the theory of relativity (especially the special theory of relativity). These are two main types of problems in relativity version 1.0. These two problems can be solved by expanding the scope of application of relative effects and modifying the principle of relativity.


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