Parotid salivary gland haemangioma in paediatric patient: surgical option


  • Pankaj Goyal Department of ENT and Head-Neck, Apollo E.N.T. Hospital, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Kishan Kumawat Department of ENT and Head-Neck, Apollo E.N.T. Hospital, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India



Parotid salivary gland, Paediatric, Haemangioma, Surgery, Excision


One of the most prevalent childhood benign tumour is haemangioma. They are frequently treated cautiously, taking many years for spontaneous involution. There has not been any information on youngsters with massive, deforming haemangiomas of the parotid gland and the cheek that overlie them. Young children who have parotid haemangiomas surgically removed will see an aesthetic improvement with minimal side effects. These disfiguring lesions should be treated with early excision performed by a qualified surgeon. Here, we offer a case report of a six-month-old kid with a parotid haemangioma who had surgical excision as a result of the tumour not responding to medication.


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How to Cite

Goyal, P., & Kumawat, K. (2023). Parotid salivary gland haemangioma in paediatric patient: surgical option. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 9(5), 169–171.



Case Reports