Atypical electroclinical presentation of Landau Kleffner syndrome: a case report of an 8 year old Nigerian child
Atypical, Landau Kleffner, Syndrome, Child, Autonomic, NigerianAbstract
Epileptic seizures account for common neurologic presentations in paediatric neurology units in developing countries. Atypical presentation of syndromic epilepsy may be missed especially sensory, psychic or autonomic manifestations. An 8 year old male Nigerian child presented with recurrent vomiting and delayed motor milestones, regression of speech (acquired aphasia) with unremarkable birth history or any underlying medical or surgical condition. He had delayed gross motor development and continuous bilateral polyspike waves of slow sleep on EEG. Self-limited autonomic epileptic seizure syndrome which was a strong differential of autonomic seizures in early childhood was not suggestive as his EEG findings failed to demonstrate occipital spike wave pattern nor did photic stimulation evoke any epileptiform waves. Child made significant clinical improvement with anticonvulsants, neuro vitamins, and behavioural therapy, evidenced by regain of non-verbal communication, resolution of autonomic symptoms and temper tantrums. A high index of suspicion should be applied in patients with acquired aphasia with subclinical or recurrent autonomic symptoms.
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