The effect of different cementation strategies on the pull-out bond strength of fiber post: an ex-vivo study


  • Shweta Lall Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Dental College and Medical Sciences, Patna, India
  • Ritesh Runu Department of Orthopaedics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, India



Dual cure resin cement, Fiber post, Glass ionomer cement, Pull out strength, Zinc phosphate cement


Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of dual cure resin with total etch and self-etch adhesive systems, conventional glass ionomer and zinc phosphate cementing media on the retention of fiber posts.

Methods: 60 freshly extracted bovine mandibular incisors were biomechanically prepared. Post space was created. The specimens were divided into four groups of 15 teeth each according to the material used for luting of posts. Group Z had zinc phosphate cement as luting agent, group R had dual cure resin cement with total etch adhesive (Relyx ARC cement), group G had conventional glass ionomer cement (GC Fuji) and group P had dual cure resin cement with self-etch adhesive (Panavi F). The posts were luted. Prepared samples were tested on the Universal testing machine for pull out strength.  

Results: Among the various cemented media tested best pull out bond strength was obtained with Relyx ARC and Panavia F followed by conventional glass ionomer cement. The pull-out strength of glass ionomer cement was slightly higher than zinc phosphate cement but the difference was statistically insignificant.

Conclusions: Based on the results of this study it can be concluded the dual cure resin cement showed the best retention of the fibre glass posts followed by conventional glass ionomer.


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How to Cite

Lall, S., & Runu, R. (2016). The effect of different cementation strategies on the pull-out bond strength of fiber post: an ex-vivo study. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 2(4), 68–73.



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