Adverse effects of antinutrients on human health: a systematic review
Antinutrients, Digestion, Lectins, Heat, Oxalates, PhytatesAbstract
Antinutrients are naturally occurring compounds found in various foods that can interfere with the absorption or utilization of nutrients in the body. There are many studies about various antinutrients and or on some particular antinutrients. The aim of our systematic review is to provide wholesome information about most of the antinutrients. Many plants and vegetables contain a variety of harmful compounds (cyanide, nitrate, phenols, etc.) and anti-nutrients (phytate, oxalate, etc.). The detrimental effects on the absorption of minerals and micronutrients in diet are caused by anti-nutrients. Chemicals known as "anti-nutrients" lower the body's ability to use certain nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals. This prevents the nutrients in food from being used to their full potential and lowers the meal's nutritional value. A systematic search was done using various search engines like Google Scholar, PubMed, science direct. Database was collected between the years of 2010 to 2023 for the English literature using different keywords like antinutrients, lectins, phytates. A total number of 80 articles selected during search out of them 15 studies were taken after screening in the review with experimental and non-experimental study design. Our study suggests that we can reduce the antinutrient content in food by different methods like soaking, fermentation, boiling, and washing.
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