Distribution of ABO and Rh (D) allele frequency among the populations of Yilmana Denssa and Mecha, Ethiopia
ABO blood, allele frequency, Rh factorAbstract
Background: The distributions of ABO blood group and Rh (D) factor is important for population distribution and genetics studies in multi-ethnic countries. Such studies are not completely covered the parts of Ethiopia, a country with multi ethnic groups. Therefore, this study is designed to decipher the population blood group distribution frequency in the population of West Gojam.
Methods: A total of 200 Volunteer individuals were participated in this study as a study subject to determine blood group in the study population by the antigen-antibody agglutination test. The results of tests were subjected to allelic frequency distribution calculation using Panmictic index.
Results: The total of the two sites had O (r=0.624), A (p=0.2299) and B (q=0.1456) of allele frequency and the genotypic frequency were AA (p2=0.05285), AO (2pr=0.287), BB (q2=0.0212), BO (2qr=0.1818), AB (2pq=0.0669) and OO (r2=0.39). Out of the tested samples 91%, was recorded Rh+ in the same population, with frequency of 0.7 for allele D confirming the majority of the population in this area as Rh+. Fixation indices (F) for ABO gene were 17 and 22 Yilmana Denssa and Mecha respectively which was higher in Ylmana Denssa.
Conclusions: The Panmictic index (P)was 78 lower than Mecha site for ABO gene and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) for ABO gene was 0.53 indicating large genetic variations in populations of the study area. Therefore, the findings of this study can be used as a baseline for the genetic diversity of the study area as a reference for Ethiopian ABO blood group phenotypes and genotypes studies.
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