Cytotoxicity, analgesic and anthelmintic studies of the different plant parts of Saraca indica Linn. (Family: Caesalpiniaceae)


  • Most. Nazma Parvin



Saraca indica, Cytotoxic, Analgesic, Anthelmintic


Background: Saraca indica or Saraca asoca belonging to the family Caesalpiniaceae. It is popularly known as Ashoka, is the most ancient tree of Bangladesh. This versatile plant has anti-cancer, anti-menorrhagic, anti-oxytocic, anti-microbial activity and has extended uses in ayurveda, unani and homeopathy. The present study attempts to investigate the cytotoxic and analgesic activities of the methanol extract of bark and the anthelmintic activity of the leaf extract of Saraca indica.

Methods: The cytotoxic activity of the methanol extract of the bark was performed by brine shrimp lethality bioassay and analgesic potential of the bark extract was evaluated using both acetic acid induced writhing test and tail-flick tests to understand the central analgesic activity using Swiss Albino mice as experimental animal. Anthelmintic activity of the leaf extract was performed by observing the time of paralysis and the time of death of earthworms, Pheretima posthuma.  

Results: The methanol extract of the bark showed moderate cytotoxic activity when compared with the standard drug vincristine sulphate. The results of analgesic activities suggested that the methanol extract of the bark possess significant analgesic activity in mice, which is comparable to the standard drug, diclofenac-Na. The fresh juice extract of the leaf of S. indica showed potent anthelmintic activity when compared with standard drug, albendazole.

Conclusions: Our present study, demonstrates the cytotoxic, analgesic and anthelmintic, properties of Saraca indica, which validate its use in traditional medicine.


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Author Biography

Most. Nazma Parvin

Department of Pharmacy, Stamford University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh


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How to Cite

Parvin, M. N. (2016). Cytotoxicity, analgesic and anthelmintic studies of the different plant parts of Saraca indica Linn. (Family: Caesalpiniaceae). International Journal of Scientific Reports, 2(11), 278–283.



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