Incidental diagnosis of asymptomatic unilateral complete duplication of ureter during total laparoscopic hysterectomy


  • Duraisamy Kavitha Yogini Department of Endogynecology, Gem Hospital and Research Centre, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
  • Ramakrishnan Parthasarathi Gem Hospital and Research Centre, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
  • Chinnusamy Palanivelu Gem Hospital and Research Centre, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
  • Balasubramaniam Devi Department of Endogynecology, Gem Hospital and Research Centre, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
  • Periyasamy Kodeeswari Department of Endogynecology, Gem Hospital and Research Centre, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu



Duplication ureter, Double ureter, Developmental anomaly ureter, Laparoscopy


Duplication of ureter is one of the common renal abnormality frequently encountered by gynaecologist during surgeries. It occurs in approximately 1% of the population. We are reporting a case of asymptomatic unilateral (left) double ureter which was incidentally diagnosed during Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy as it is important to know the developmental anatomy of ureter and its anatomical variants. A gynaecologist should know about the clinical significance of it as well to avoid injury to ureter during hysterectomies which is the commonly performed gynaecological surgery worldwide.


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How to Cite

Yogini, D. K., Parthasarathi, R., Palanivelu, C., Devi, B., & Kodeeswari, P. (2017). Incidental diagnosis of asymptomatic unilateral complete duplication of ureter during total laparoscopic hysterectomy. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 3(6), 177–181.



Case Reports