Regulatory mechanisms associating innate leaves senescence of incongruent species


  • Allah Jurio Khaskheli College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agriculture University, Beijing, China Department of Biotechnology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, Pakistan
  • Waqas Ahmed College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agriculture University, Beijing
  • Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli Department of Plant Protection, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam
  • Zeeshan Ahmad Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
  • Juan Hong Li College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agriculture University, Beijing



Background: Senescence is the final developmental phase of a leaf which starts with nutrient salvage and ends with cell death. The first visible event during senescence is leaf yellowing, which typically starts at the leaf margins and progresses to the interior of the leaf blade. Though, regulators of senescence adopt a range of physiological and developmental mechanisms which undergo senescence of plant.

Methods: Leaves of different species were collected from the green house, and then rinsed several times with sterilized distilled water. For discs of leaves, two same sized leaves were collected and made the same sized discs. The samples were infiltrated with specific senescence inhibitor. The discs then kept in distilled water and placed under condition at 250 C. Observed the phenotypes at two days interval, molecular based analysis was perfumed at 8th day of infiltration.  

Results: In this study, innate senescence approach comparison to inhibitor based senescence has been performed in order to check its consequences on leaves of different crops such as; cauliflower, apple, tobacco, rose and Arabidopsis. Arabidopsis and apple have resulted in a narrative phenotype with high level of ion leakage. While in case of rose and cauliflower, the phenotype was characterized with yellow fading of leaves. Interestingly, in the tobacco plants, intense yellowing of leaves developed along bottom. Further, in order to confirm the efficiency and pattern of senescence, we had also assessed the changes occurred during leaf senescence via ion leakage and chlorophyll content, expression of SAG12 (a senescence associated gene) and (PSA) photosynthetic associated genes expression as markers.

Conclusions: It has been noted that progression of leaf senescence is a very critical and important factors affecting plant growth and development. It can be stated that initiation of leaves senescence can be controlled by using specific inhibitor.


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Author Biography

Allah Jurio Khaskheli, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agriculture University, Beijing, China Department of Biotechnology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, Pakistan

Department of Biotechnology


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How to Cite

Khaskheli, A. J., Ahmed, W., Khaskheli, M. I., Ahmad, Z., & Hong Li, J. (2017). Regulatory mechanisms associating innate leaves senescence of incongruent species. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 3(7), 185–191.



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