Change in physico-chemical properties of soil and nutrients in Desmodium triflorum in case of seasonal variation in Ratnanagar-11, Jirauna, Chitwan, Nepal


  • Niroj Paudel Department of Botany, PG campus, Biratnagar
  • Lila Pati Paudel Department of Botany, PG Campus, Biratnagar
  • Prakash Deep Rai Department of Botany, Tribhuban University, Kathmandu
  • Bishnu Dev Das Department of Botany, Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus, Biratnagar



Seasonal variation, Desmodium triflorum, Pastures, Nutrient uptake


Background: Physico-chemical change is described in case of seasonal variation. The plant became grazed in different seasonings; nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are estimated. The aim of paper is the nutrient uptake of Desmodium triflorum due to the change in season.

Methods: The sample is collected as four month interval period the grass is tolerate as low pH. N-1.67–2.04%, P- 0.34–0.61% and K-1.46–4.15%.  

Results: Soil had lowest concentrations of nitrogen (0.096%), phosphorus (0.004%), and potassium (0.027%) in the rainy season. The highest concentration of nitrogen (0.22%) occurred in summer season, phosphorus (0.005%) in winter and summer seasons, and potassium (0.073%) in the winter season. The carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio was highest (15.22:1) in summer and lowest (13.96:1) in the rainy season.

Conclusions: Present study will be valuable in evaluation and management of the middle land pastures in Nepal.


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Author Biography

Niroj Paudel, Department of Botany, PG campus, Biratnagar

department of botany,student


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How to Cite

Paudel, N., Paudel, L. P., Rai, P. D., & Das, B. D. (2017). Change in physico-chemical properties of soil and nutrients in Desmodium triflorum in case of seasonal variation in Ratnanagar-11, Jirauna, Chitwan, Nepal. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 3(11), 285–287.



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