Preferences of pregnant women regarding mode of delivery: a questionnaire based study


  • Poojan Dogra Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SLBS GMC Mandi at Nerchowk, Himachal Pradesh
  • Reena Sharma Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SLBS GMC Mandi at Nerchowk, Himachal Pradesh



Caesarean delivery, Vaginal delivery, Preferences, Mode of delivery


Background: The rising rate of caesarean section is the subject of concern worldwide. The aim of our study was to know the knowledge, attitude and preferences of pregnant women towards the mode of delivery in a tertiary care centre and hence to see weather this is a contributing factor towards rinsing trend of caesarean delivery or not.  

Methods: This was a prospective questionnaire study conducted on 100 antenatal women in third trimester who attended the antenatal clinic in SLBS GMC Mandi at Nerchowk from 1st June, 2017 to 1st September 2017.The information regarding socio-demographic profile, obstetric history, knowledge and attitude statements towards vaginal delivery and caesarean section was collected and analysed.

Results: Total of 100 women was interviewed in our study. Out of these, majority (85%) had received education up to High school and above. Majority of the women (90%) had the positive attitude towards vaginal delivery. The most frequently mentioned source of information about the mode of delivery was relatives and friends. Almost half of women agreed to the statement that vaginal delivery creates a more affectionate mother and baby relationship.  Majority of women co-relate that caesarean section was associated with more complications and not good in long term outcome. Economic factors did not play an important role in deciding caesarean birth.

Conclusions: Majority of pregnant women interviewed were interested to deliver vaginally, while some women were indecisive due to lack of knowledge and some due to apprehension of labor pains during vaginal delivery wanted to undergo a caesarean section. Appropriate counselling of pregnant women and their partners will help in changing their outlook and make them a better judge while choosing their preferences.


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Author Biographies

Poojan Dogra, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SLBS GMC Mandi at Nerchowk, Himachal Pradesh

Associate Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics & gynaecology. SLBS GMC Mandi at Nerchowk. Himachal Pradesh. India.

Reena Sharma, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SLBS GMC Mandi at Nerchowk, Himachal Pradesh

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics & gynaecology. SLBS GMC Mandi at Nerchowk. Himachal Pradesh. India


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How to Cite

Dogra, P., & Sharma, R. (2017). Preferences of pregnant women regarding mode of delivery: a questionnaire based study. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 3(11), 292–295.



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