Study of utilisation trends of drugs in patients admitted with cardiovascular diseases at a tertiary care hospital in Goa


  • Shantadurga S. Kerkar Department of Pharmacology, Goa Medical College, Bambolim, Goa
  • Padma N. Bhandare Department of Pharmacology, Goa Medical College, Bambolim, Goa



Case records, Prescription screening, Inappropriate drug use, Diseases of heart and blood vessels


Background: CVDs have emerged as a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the world as well as in India. Drug usage is life saving and at times many drugs may be needed. Drug utilization studies aid to find the appropriateness of treatment, identify shortcomings if any, and provide a feedback to the healthcare providers to improve their management with drugs. So such types of studies are of vital importance in every hospital.

Methods: This was a prospective, observational study of 180 patients with CVDs admitted in medicine and cardiology wards of a tertiary care hospital, conducted through case records and patients’ interviews. Data was represented as mean±SD, number and frequency.  

Results: Incidence of cardiovascular diseases was more in males (56.67%) than the females (43.33%). Average number of drugs prescribed per patient was 9.16 and that of cardiovascular drugs was 5.08 ± 2.15. Antiplatelets (88.88%) were the most commonly prescribed cardiovascular drugs followed by hypolipidemics (82.22%). About 15.06% of injectables and 1.2% of fixed dose combinations (FDCs) were prescribed. Drugs prescribed by generic names were 1.6% and those from the National List of Essential Medicines were 92.79%.

Conclusions: The results of this study suggested: polypharmacy, overuse of injections and low prescribing habits from essential drug list. Though antiplatelet, hypolipidemic use was higher, these are an essential part of treatment of certain CVDs. 


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How to Cite

Kerkar, S. S., & Bhandare, P. N. (2017). Study of utilisation trends of drugs in patients admitted with cardiovascular diseases at a tertiary care hospital in Goa. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 3(12), 311–317.



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