How determinants of health determine health?


  • Ramsha Khan Department of Health Promotion and Public Health, University of West London, United Kingdom
  • Muhammad Salman Haider Qureshi Department of Public Health, Khyber Medical University, Pakistan



Determinants of health, Social determinants, Physical determinants, Environmental determinants


In this article, a broader discussion of determinants of health will be provided by giving the relevant examples, demonstrating how these determinates influence the health at individual and community level. Moreover, the definitions of the terms such as determinants of health, health inequalities and inequities, will be given. Although there are many factors that influences health, the article will focus on lifestyle, biological and environmental determinants of health. At the end a brief conclusion about the key points discussed in the essay will be provided. 


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How to Cite

Khan, R., & Qureshi, M. S. H. (2018). How determinants of health determine health?. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 4(3), 46–48.


