Acupuncture treatment in menstrual disorder after oocyte donation
Traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Treatment, Menstruation, DisorderAbstract
Oocyte donation or egg donation is a process in which one woman donates eggs (oocytes) to another women in order to conceive. The process involves in vitro fertilization and it is seen as third party reproduction in the assisted reproductive technology. The oocytes from the donor are combined with the spermatozoa from the recipient to produce embryos. However, the treatment has some risk factors that afterwards need to be taken care of. One of the complications is delayed or stopped period and the acupuncture treatment can efficiently solve this problem. The treated patient is a 34 year old woman with 3 months delay in the period after receiving hormone therapy for egg donation. The patient was treated with normal needle acupuncture on the meridians of spleen, kidney, pericardium, stomach, liver, large intestine, bladder, ren mai and du mai. Treatments were made indoor, with duration of 35-40 minutes both sides of the body. In the treatment were used fine sterile disposable needles. After only one treatment the period was back and normalized. The patient has made 6 treatments. After the 6th treatment the second period was normal again. Acupuncture treatment as part of the 5000 years old Traditional Chinese Medicine, as in many other menstrual disorders, it is as well successful treatment in menstrual disorder after egg donation and gives very satisfying and positive results in a very short time.
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