Correlation of scapulo-thoracic muscle strength, neck pain and the functional status of information technology professionals


  • Owee R. Mulay Department of Physiotherapy, Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Suryakant Gadgerao Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Ashok Shyam Department of Orthopaedic, Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Parag Sancheti Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India



Information technology professionals, Neck pain, Scapulo-thoracic muscle strength, Serratus anterior, Rhomboid, Middle trapezius, Lower trapezius, Functional status


Background: The cross-sectional study was to correlate scapulo-thoracic muscle strength, neck pain and the functional status of Information Technology (IT) professionals. IT professionals have long working hours in a seated position which can lead to neck pain and decrease in the scapulo-thoracic muscle strength. This could hinder the person’s capability to perform daily functional activities.

Methods: The study was conducted in an IT- company from November 2017- December 2017. FET was used to assess the scapulo-thoracic muscle strength. Neck pain and functional status of the IT professional was evaluated by the two scales–Neck Disability Index and Orebro Pain Rating Questionnaire respectively. For the statistical analysis–Spearman’s correlation and SPSS software was used. All subjects, male and female, with neck pain and having worked for more than 2 years were included. Subjects with diagnosed orthopaedic condition and having a history of trauma were excluded.  

Results: For the IT professionals, a moderate correlation was established between the neck pain and strength of serratus anterior muscle R(r=0.32) L(r=0.4) and rhomboid muscles R(r=0.37) L(r=0.4). Further, it was seen that the functional status was not hampered due to neck pain and scapulo-thoracic muscle strength.

Conclusions: The study shows that there is a moderate correlation between the neck pain and scapula-thoracic muscle strength of IT professionals. In addition, there is a weak correlation between neck pain, scapulo-thoracic muscle strength with respect to the functional status.


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How to Cite

Mulay, O. R., Gadgerao, S., Shyam, A., & Sancheti, P. (2018). Correlation of scapulo-thoracic muscle strength, neck pain and the functional status of information technology professionals. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 4(8), 204–207.



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