How effective are planned teaching programmes regarding HIV/AIDS amongst the adolescent girl students? A case study using Ludwig von Bertanlaffy’s general system model


  • Mudabera Gulzar Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura, Jammu and Kashmir



HIV/AIDS, STD/STIs, Planned teaching programme, Pre-test, Post-test, Ludwig von Bertanlaffy’s General System Model, Girl adolescent students, R P School Mala Bagh


Background: In the current times, HIV/AIDS is the most dreadful disease affecting human lives. The worst being that there is no cure or vaccine against it. Given this fact, a pre-experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme (PTP) and to assess the association of selected demographic variables with the pre- and post-test knowledge scores regarding HIV/AIDS among the adolescent girl students in a selected higher secondary school of Srinagar city.

Methods: The study is based on Ludwig von Bertanlaffy’s General System model. The sample consists of 50 adolescent girl students who are studying in 9th and 10th classes. This sample was chosen using non-probability (convenience) sampling technique. The tool used for data collection was self-structured questionnaire.  

Results: The study showed that 10th class students’ HIV-related knowledge was more than that of 9th class students. Also, students with educated parents have more knowledge of HIV/AIDS. However, there was no significant difference in the HIV knowledge level of rural and urban areas students. The mean post-test knowledge score (39.12) was significantly higher than mean pre-test knowledge score (12.78). Furthermore, an association was found between post-test HIV/AIDS knowledge scores and demographic variables such as educational status of students, habitat, educational and occupational status of parents.

Conclusions: The results showed the importance of sex education. It needs to be provided to the adolescents, particularly girls, so that they can safeguard themselves from HIV and other STDs/STIs. Also, awareness programmes should be conducted at all levels targeting whole population groups to decrease its incidence. Lastly, mass media should be involved actively in increasing awareness about HIV/AIDS amongst the public.


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How to Cite

Gulzar, M. (2018). How effective are planned teaching programmes regarding HIV/AIDS amongst the adolescent girl students? A case study using Ludwig von Bertanlaffy’s general system model. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 4(10), 246–253.



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