Functional outcome of diaphyseal fractures of forearm in adolescents treated with TENS


  • Divyanshu Goyal Department of orthopaedics, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • S. L. Sharma Department of orthopaedics, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Laxmikant Meena Department of orthopaedics, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Ravindra Lamoria Department of orthopaedics, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Mahesh Bansal Department of orthopaedics, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India



TENS, Forearm fracture, Adolescent forearm fracture, Adolescent diaphyseal fracture


Background: A retrospective case series study was done on forearm diaphyseal fracture in adolescents treated with TENS (titanium elastic nailing system). Purpose of the study was analysis of functional outcome of TENS in forearm diaphyseal fractures in children between 12-18 year age group.

Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 30 patients operated by same senior surgeon during the period from March 2014 to February 2015 with closed diaphyseal forearm fractures in age group 12–18 years treated with TENS in whom closed reduction could not be achieved. Nail diameter taken as 33-40% of narrowest diameter of diaphysys were introduced proximally in ulna and distally in radius under image intensifier in closed manner. Postoperatively, patients encouraged for active shoulder, elbow and finger movements and suture removal done after 2 weeks. Patients were followed up for minimum period of one year.  

Results: In terms of union and range of motion using Anderson et al criteria 24 patients had excellent results, 4 patients had satisfactory results and one patient had poor result having non-union of ulna. Two patients had superficial infection at the nail entry site which eventually resolved. One patient lost for follow up.

Conclusions: We conclude that TENS in both bone forearm fractures in adolescent age group in terms of union and range of motion is a minimally invasive and effective method of fixation.


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How to Cite

Goyal, D., Sharma, S. L., Meena, L., Lamoria, R., & Bansal, M. (2019). Functional outcome of diaphyseal fractures of forearm in adolescents treated with TENS. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 5(3), 69–74.



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