A study on dietary pattern of patients with type-2 diabetes
Dietary pattern, Type-2 diabetes, Interventions, Food itemsAbstract
Background: Diabetes prevalence is increasing rapidly in middle and low income countries. According to the World Health Organization, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in 2016. The study aimed to assess dietary pattern of rural patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in Bangladesh.
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted on 149 patients with T2DM from Nagorpur, Tangail district in Bangladesh. The daily intake of foods was assessed by a prepared seven days food frequency questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were computed and chi square test was employed to signify association between variables.
Results: Total 149 patients with T2DM were included in the study. The patient’s mean age and BMI was 46.68 (±10.05) years and 22.51 (±2.28) respectively. The average intake of calorie, carbohydrate, protein and fat of the patients was 1572 (±268) Kcal/day, 241 (±33) g/day, 85 (±15) g/day and 57 (±11) g/day respectively. Gender was associated with calorie (χ2=16.68, p<0.05), carbohydrate (χ2=10.63, p<0.05) and protein (χ2=9.42, p<0.05) intake. Age was also associated with calorie (χ2=13.54, p<0.05) and fat (χ2=13.16, p<0.05) intake. However, the study revealed that majority of the diabetic patients follows recommended dietary guidelines.
Conclusions: To prevent diabetes and manage its complications, dietary guideline should be followed appropriately. We found quite satisfactory results regarding dietary intake of patients with T2DM. Yet, continual interventions need to be provided.
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