Diagnosis and management of congenital epulis of new-born: a rare case report and literature review


  • Bacem A. E. Ottoman Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnosis, Cairo University, Egypt




The congenital epulis of new-born is a rare disease of idiopathic etiology and lineage. The literature recorded spontaneous regression of some cases. This finding rendered skeptical questions about its neoplastic nature and posed some speculations about hormonal influences, towards the end of pregnancy, on the growth of the lesion. No malignant potential has been ever reported. Surgery is indicated if the lesion grossly interferes with breast feeding. This paper reports an established diagnosis of congenital epulis of new-born, which was excised surgically with no evidence of recurrence hitherto. 

Keywords: Congenital epulis, Neonatal lesions, Mucosal swellings, Pediatric oncology


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Author Biography

Bacem A. E. Ottoman, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnosis, Cairo University, Egypt

Department of maxillofacial surgery and diagnosis


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How to Cite

Ottoman, B. A. E. (2015). Diagnosis and management of congenital epulis of new-born: a rare case report and literature review. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 1(1), 80–82. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-2156.IntJSciRep20150207



Case Reports