Characteristics of snake envenomation in eastern India, a study of epidemiology, complications and interventions


  • Sudeb Mukherjee R.G.Kar Medical College & Hospital Kolkata



Snake bite, AVS (Anti venom serum), ARF (Acute renal failure), RP (Respiratory paralysis)


Background: Snake bite is an important public health problem in the tropics. The annual mortality rate in India is 15000-20000 due to snake envenomation. This study intended to analyze the characteristics of snake envenomation in detail in current time.

Methods: Total 122 cases of snake bite with features of envenomation who were admitted in our hospital in last 2 years were evaluated with detailed analysis.

Results: Significant association (p<0.05) (p=0.0029 at the degree of freedom 1) was found between time of AVS administration and development of ARF and/or RP. Patients receiving AVS at or after 6 hours were more likely to develop acute renal failure (ARF) and respiratory paralysis (RP) compared to patients receiving AVS before 6 hours.  

Conclusions: Timely detection and early intervention by AVS can prevent dangerous complications and mortality of snake bites.


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Author Biography

Sudeb Mukherjee, R.G.Kar Medical College & Hospital Kolkata

MD (Medicine) Resident, Department Of General Medicine,


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How to Cite

Mukherjee, S. (2015). Characteristics of snake envenomation in eastern India, a study of epidemiology, complications and interventions. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 1(4), 190–195.



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