Bioecological and phytocenological assessment of Equisetum arvense L. populations in the Great Caucasus of Azerbaijan
Equisetum arvense L., Bioecological properties, Phytocenose, Cenopopulation, Medicinal plantsAbstract
Background: The use and reproduction of natural resources that are interested in improving the living standards of the population is based studing of scientifically complex. Studying the biodiversity of medicinal plants based on cenological assesments are depending on their ecological diversity is always relevant. This study was aimed to estimate population of Equisetum arvense L. phytocenologically and ecologically and registrations during in different years.
Methods: Ontogenetical descriptions of Equisetum arvense species have been shown according to form of ontogenetically periods. It has been used discrete descriptive conception of ontegenese and development stages of the individuals have been charactered. Results have been analysed by χ2 comparison of criteria.
Results Three natural cenopopulations and cenological state of E. arvense were assessed during 2017-2019 years. It is defined that, 1st and 3rd cenopopulations were transitions and 2nd was mature in 2017, in 2018 1st was young, 2nd and 3rd were mature, in 2019 1st and 2nd were young and 3rd was mature. Restoration of 1st and 2nd cenopopulations were higher in 2019 than in 2017-2018.
Conclusions: Properties of soil-climate condition in E. arvense formation has been a cause for a determining development rhythm feature in the Equiseta vegetation. Important changes in ecology temperature, dampness and other factors influence on strongly seasonal dynamism of grasses in the Zagatala territory, but semi-shrubs tier that E. arvense dominates is constant. Seasonal distribution of the atmosphere rainfalls influences on development dynamism of populations. For this reason restoration parameters of some populations were high in compared to previous years.
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