Perception of type 2 diabetes mellitus clients on applications in Bima Regional General Hospital
Repeat hospitalization, Type 2 diabetes, Service quality, HopeAbstract
Background: Repeat hospitalization is a process for a patient who needs to return to hospital as a result of inability to control and take care of their disease. The objective of study is to gather deeper understanding about the meaning experience of repeat hospitalization process among diabetes mellitus type 2 patients. The study is qualitative research within phenomenology method by using deep interview instruments. In this study, the research seeks the experience of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients who are being treated with repeat hospitalization process.
Methods: The study applies descriptive phenomenology approach. By using the method, the subject could be explored, analyzed, and explained directly about their experience of repeat hospitalization. The size of sample, in descriptive study, is essential in order to reveal the saturation data. The participants collecting procedure is using the snowball sampling technique.
Results: The age of participants are ranging from 40-79 years old. The level of education among participants are varies, from elementary schools to senior high schools. The occupation type are housewife, farmers or merchants. The participants’ income is ranging between 750.000-2.000.000 rupiah/month.
Conclusions: The result reveals four findings among 10 participants: 1) the characteristics of participants 2) the lack of knowledge from diabetes mellitus (DM) management, 3) quality of service, 4) hope of recovery.
Basic Health Development and Research Center. 2013; 306.
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