Role of contemporary technologies in health care knowledge management: a review
Knowledge, Knowledge management, Technology, Health careAbstract
The emergence of knowledge management (KM) technologies has been enabling health care sectors to promote effective management of knowledge and provide evidence-based medicine for improving service deliveries. As a result, the health care industry is increasingly becoming a knowledge-based community that depends critically on using technologies to KM activities. This paper attempts to review various literatures and gives an intellectual background to the study from various studies conducted by different researchers on the thoughts of various KM technologies in health systems. According to the study, technologies play a prominent role in health care sectors in utilizing their organizational and personal knowledge effectively which in turn enhances the quality of health care services. The usage and practice of KM in the health sector is increasingly promoted due to the emergence of health information technology. There are number of information technology solutions that assist healthcare sectors in knowledge management. Health care portals, search engines, retrieval and classification tools, e-collaboration tools, content management systems and other technologies are widely employed to manage the massive and ongoing health information and share it with their users. Therefore, it is indispensable to pay special attention in using these technologies to manage organizational and individual knowledge available within and outside healthcare organization. Overall, this study has proved that information and communication technology are valuable to support and scale up knowledge management processes for the effectiveness and quality of health care services.
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