COVID-19 outbreak in India: an early stage analysis
Pandemic, Infection growth, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Datasets, Prediction modelsAbstract
The COVID-19 outbreak in several countries of the world is facing a challenging task to control the virus transmission as 3.7 million people are tested positive in all over world at the time of writing. India is also suffering with the virus outbreak in different states as on January 30, 2020, India reported its first confirmed case of coronavirus deadly disease (COVID-19) in Kerala state where three students returned from the epicentre of the disease, Wuhan, China. During the first week, India experienced a slow growth in the infected cases but soon after an outbreak has been found in several states and union territories, although strict measures are being made to control the outbreak. This study presents a comprehensive analysis to explore the current status of virus transmission at state and country level, infection growth, most affected age groups, available datasets and prediction models and strict control measures. Several data sources are analysed to collect the pandemic data such as Johns Hopkins University, Ministry of Health, COVID-19 India, Worldometer and media. The analysed study will be significant for scientist, researchers and health workers of India and also for the administrative tasks to consider the different strict measure to control COVID-19.
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