Causes of cancellation for elective orthopedic procedures on the day of surgery


  • Asmita Karnalkar Department of Anaesthesia, B K L Walawalkar Rural Medical College, Ratnagiri, M.S.
  • Pratap Karnalkar Department of Anaesthesia, B K L Walawalkar Rural Medical College, Ratnagiri, M.S.



Elective orthopedic procedures, Anesthetist related issues, Cancellations


Background: A retrospective observational study was conducted to find out the reasons for cancellation of elective orthopedic surgical inpatients on the day of surgery and to plan for future suggestive actions to decrease unnecessary cancellations.

Methods: This was a retrospective observational study conducted at medical teaching hospital for 3 years from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014. The data was collected from postponement register. The files of cases that were cancelled were reviewed for the reasons of cancellations. The reasons were classified as anaesthetist related, administrative issues, surgeon related and patient related issues.

Results: During the study period, 7673patients were posted for elective orthopedic procedures. 6.49 % patients were cancelled on the day of surgery. The frequency of cancellations was more in anesthetist related issues (38.9%). Cancellations due to administrative issues, patient related issues and surgeon related were 30%, 27.7% & 3.4% respectively.

Conclusions: Although cancellations were only 6.49% of total elective operations, this can be reduced by implementing and following the recommendations that have been proposed. More thorough and detailed documentation is needed to achieve this.


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Author Biography

Asmita Karnalkar, Department of Anaesthesia, B K L Walawalkar Rural Medical College, Ratnagiri, M.S.

dept. of Anesthesia,



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How to Cite

Karnalkar, A., & Karnalkar, P. (2015). Causes of cancellation for elective orthopedic procedures on the day of surgery. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 1(5), 235–238.



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