Physical test training as a part of preventive health equipment maintenance for electrical safety at Puskesmas Kecamatan Jagakarsa, South Jakarta


  • Frisa Y. Hermawan Department of Electromedical Engineering, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Wike Kristianti Department of Electromedical Engineering, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II, Jakarta, Indonesia



Puskesmas, Health equipment, Operators/users, Inspections, Preventive maintenance, Function tests, Performance tests


Health equipment is one of the most important supporting factors in the implementation of health services in health service facilities. Therefore, the condition and function of health equipment must be good and can support well by integrating management of health equipment such as planning, procurement and utilization. The Puskesmas Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, is the target location for community service activity, called as PKM. This community service uses training methods which include dialogue in the form of question and answer, discussions, and practices related to IPM and functional tests in the management of medical equipment to the results of the calibration that can be directly felt in collaboration with PT Medcalindo. The electrical safety conditions in the Jagakarsa Puskesmas, DKI Jakarta are available and well planted, the voltage value in Puskesmas is 225.2 Volt still in the standard of electricity in Indonesia which is enforced by PLN for all aspects is 220 V with a tolerance of 5%, The value of electric power is 105 KVA, One socket in several rooms has many branches so it is susceptible to overcurrent and heat which can cause fire. As the conclusion, the electrical safety conditions in the Jagakarsa Puskesmas, DKI Jakarta are quite good. Sockets can be found in each room and accommodate the need for electrical devices but the security for some sockets in areas where there are many child patients (bringing children) is still very minimal.. Some electrical sockets have a connection that allows an over current electric current to occur.


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Author Biographies

Frisa Y. Hermawan, Department of Electromedical Engineering, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II, Jakarta, Indonesia

Electromedical Engineering

Wike Kristianti, Department of Electromedical Engineering, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II, Jakarta, Indonesia

Electromedical Engineering


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How to Cite

Hermawan, F. Y., & Kristianti, W. (2021). Physical test training as a part of preventive health equipment maintenance for electrical safety at Puskesmas Kecamatan Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 7(5), 288–292.



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