Plastic surgery in India in the era of COVID-19 outbreak
COVID-19, Plastic surgery, Healthcare, Pandemic, RecommendationsAbstract
With rise in the number of cases of patients infected with the coronavirus and easing in the lockdown, there is a need to modify the practice of the plastic surgery in India that can ensure an effective patient care, minimum transmission of disease, better management of available resources and protection of health care personnel. A search was made on google search, pubmed search and cochrane library for the recommendations in the published literature using terms: plastic surgery, COVID-19, recommendations, guidelines, India. Guidelines were also searched and considered, provided by various Indian government agencies and international health organizations. There is a need to follow the set proposed guidelines and the recommendations in order to modify the clinical practice in the outpatient and preoperative settings along with the priority to be given to the emergent or traumatic conditions and reconstructive procedures in some malignant conditions. Otherwise it is judicious to postpone or delay the elective and the aesthetic procedure. With this article we can conclude that by modifying the current practices in plastic surgery and evidence based prioritization of cases we can ensure a balance between effective delivery of healthcare services and prevention of the exposure of healthcare personnel.
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