Evaluation of the relationship between adolescents’ nutritional habits and school achievements
Adolescent, Nutritional habits, School achievementAbstract
Background: This research was performed for the purpose of evaluating the relationship between adolescents’ nutritional habits and school achievements.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study and it was performed with the participation of adolescents. Research sample was composed of a total of 1,651 students selected via cluster sampling method from six high-schools and their equivalents chosen through simple random sampling in a manner to ensure that each high school type was represented in the sample from 46 high-schools.
Results: The mean of students’ school achievement scores is 72.95±12.28. As per analysis of the correlation between means of scores obtained by students from nutrition exercise behavior scale (NEBS) sub-scales and means of students’ school achievement scores, it was found that students’ school achievement was positively correlated with sub-scales of healthy nutrition-exercise behavior and regularity of meal patterns.
Conclusions: It was ascertained that, as scores obtained by students from NEBS increased, students’ school achievement scores went up. It is recommended that, through the cooperation to be established between health professionals, school staff and family, adolescents should be enticed to acquire the healthy food selection autonomy and to make it a part of their lifestyles as of early age.
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