Analysis of histopathological spectrum of intracranial central nervous system tumours in a tertiary care hospital
CNS tumours, Epidemiology, Pathological review, Astrocytoma, Glioblastoma, MeningiomaAbstract
Background: Descriptive epidemiology of intracranial central nervous system (CNS) tumours is a significant part of tumour studies which provides information on magnitude and distribution of the lesions. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of frequency of intracranial CNS tumours with comparison with national and international data.
Methods: In this retrospective study 101 intracranial CNS tumours diagnosed over a period of 4 years were included. Histological diagnosis of tumours was confirmed and they were classified according to revised WHO classification of CNS tumours 2016. Frequencies of tumours in accordance to age, gender, location, laterality and grades were evaluated.
Results: Total 101 cases including 59 (58.42%) males and 42 (41.58%) females were studied. Paediatric and adult cases accounted for 17 (16.83%) and 84 (83.17%), respectively. Most tumours were noted in the 6th decade. Out of total cases, 91 (90.1%) were primary intracranial CNS tumours and 10 (9.9%) were metastatic tumours. Most common tumours were astrocytoma followed by meningioma. Among children, astrocytoma (41.18%), medulloblastomas (41.18%), ependymomas (11.76%) and meningiomas (5.88%) were the reported lesions. In adults, astrocytoma (39.29%), meningiomas (23.81%), metastatic tumours (11.90%), ependymomas (8.33%), hemangioblastomas (5.95%) and schwannomas (4.76%) were common. Glioblastomas were the commonest astrocytoma. WHO grade I tumours were commonest followed by grade IV.
Conclusions: The study gives a glimpse of prevalence of intracranial central nervous system tumours forming a baseline profile based primarily on the histopathological diagnosis at rural tertiary care hospital.
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