Adverse events among patients of multi drug resistant tuberculosis receiving second line anti TB treatment


  • Kishor B. Rathod Senior Resident Doctor Department Of Medicine Govt. Medical College Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
  • Mangala S. Borkar Professor and Head Department Of Medicine Govt. Medical College Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
  • Avinash R. Lamb
  • Sanjay L. Suryavanshi
  • Gajanan A. Surwade
  • Vimlesh R. Pandey Junior Resident Doctor Department Of Medicine Govt. Medical College Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra



MDR-TB (Multidrug resistant tuberculosis), ADR (Adverse drug reaction), Second line anti TB drugs


Background: As per WHO’s “Global Tuberculosis Report, 2012”, India accounts for an estimated 64000 patients out of 310000 cases of drug resistant TB estimated to have occurred amongst the notified cases of TB across the globe in a year.  MDR-TB is a man-made phenomenon– poor treatment; poor drugs, poor adherence lead to the development of MDR-TB.  Treatment of MDR-TB is difficult, much costlier, challenging and needs experience and skills. Reserve drugs are frequently associated with high rates of unacceptable adverse drug reactions, needing change of regimen. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor and treat adverse drug reactions.

Methods: The present prospective observational study was carried out at Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Centre at Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, to monitor patients for early detection of adverse events after starting treatment till the patients were admitted and later followed up personally or telephonically at regular intervals.

Results: We observed adverse drug reactions among 90/265 (33.96 %) patients of whom 90/265 (33.96 %) had gastro intestinal ADRs, followed by ototoxicity 15/265 (5.66%), psychiatric manifestations 14/265 (5.28%), injection site pain swelling 13/265 (4.90%), arthralgia 11/265 (4.15%), dermatological ADRs 7/265 (2.64%), peripheral neuropathy 5/265 (1.88%), renal dysfunction 3/265 (1.13%), change of therapy was only required in 13 psychiatric and 12 ototoxic ADRs.

Conclusions: ADRs are more common in MDR TB patients on second line anti tubercular treatment. Good counseling, spacing drugs, high protein diet helps patients to tolerate therapy better and default rate to drop.


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Author Biographies

Kishor B. Rathod, Senior Resident Doctor Department Of Medicine Govt. Medical College Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

Senior Resident Doctor

Department Of Medicine
Govt. Medical College Hospital,
Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

Mangala S. Borkar, Professor and Head Department Of Medicine Govt. Medical College Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Professor and Head

Department Of Medicine
Govt. Medical College Hospital,
Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Vimlesh R. Pandey, Junior Resident Doctor Department Of Medicine Govt. Medical College Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Junior Resident Doctor
Department Of Medicine
Govt. Medical College Hospital,
Aurangabad, Maharashtra


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How to Cite

Rathod, K. B., Borkar, M. S., Lamb, A. R., Suryavanshi, S. L., Surwade, G. A., & Pandey, V. R. (2015). Adverse events among patients of multi drug resistant tuberculosis receiving second line anti TB treatment. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 1(6), 253–257.



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