Effect of onion and garlic biowaste on germination and growth of microgreens


  • Madhuri Patil Department of Botany, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati, Maharashtra, India http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6419-2564
  • Pooja Jana Department of Botany, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati, Maharashtra, India
  • Chandrashekhar Murumkar Department of Botany, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati, Maharashtra, India




Biowaste, Microgreens, Peel, Nutrient, Garden cress


Background: Biowaste of onion and garlic peel is remaining unexploited for their sustainable use having potential as source of organic fertilizer. The present work was intended to investigate biowaste of onion and garlic peel water extract on germination and growth of fenugreek, mustard, falooda and garden cress seeds which could resource as microgreens

Methods: Germination studies in selected seeds are carried out by water extracts of onion and garlic peel.

Results: As far as growth is concerned variation is observed in all seeds. Significant escalated results were observed in garlic peel extract on fenugreek seeds as compared to other seeds. However, after treatment of onion extract moderate enhancement in growth observed in falooda and garden cress seeds. It is observed that there is no significant influence of treatment on germination of all seeds.

Conclusions: Onion and garlic peels biowaste can be used as a natural growth enhancer in a sustainable way for growing microgreens of fenugreek and falooda seeds whereas onion and garlic peel extracts could inhibit the growth of Mustard and garden cress seeds.


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Author Biography

Madhuri Patil, Department of Botany, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati, Maharashtra, India

Post Graduate Research Centre,

Department of Botany,

T. C. College, Baramati (Autonomous) Maharashtra, India

Phone (or Mobile) No.: + (91) 9767223369


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How to Cite

Patil, M., Jana, P., & Murumkar, C. (2021). Effect of onion and garlic biowaste on germination and growth of microgreens. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 7(6), 302–305. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-2156.IntJSciRep20211951



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