Impact of exposure to mass media on utilization modern contraceptive among adolescent married women in Ethiopia: evidence from Ethiopia demographic health survey 2016


  • Kedir Abdu Yesuf Department of Health informatics, Dessie Health Science College, Dessie, Amhara, Ethiopia
  • Atrsaw Dessie Liyew Department of midwives, Dessie Health Science College, Dessie, Amhara, Ethiopia
  • Amare Kassie Bezabih Department of Health informatics, Dessie Health Science College, Dessie, Amhara, Ethiopia



Contraceptive, Ethiopia, Recursive biprobit probit, Adolescent married women


Background: More than one billion of world population was adolescent age group. Adolescents are high risk of unwanted pregnancy related to pregnancy is preventable. This complication can be prevented by use of family planning method. One of the challenges to use family planning was lack of information about contraceptive. This study was investigated mass media impact on use of modern contraceptive among adolescent in Ethiopia, 2016 E. C.

Methods: This study conducted based on EDHS (Ethiopia demographic health survey) 2016 data which was cross-sectional study design. Sample size for this study was 588 adolescent married women that completed interview in EDHS 2016. Mass media impact on modern contraceptive use were analyzed using propensity score matching. Recursive biprobit probit model was used to determine factor associated with mass media exposure on modern contraceptive utilization.

Results: In Ethiopia about 31.8% of adolescent married women currently used modern contraceptive. Expose to family planning message had 16.8%, 13.2%, 17% and 21.9% point higher modern contraceptive use than unexposed to mass media message. In this study significant factor affected modern contraceptive use included residence, wealth index, radio message, exposed to TV message, magazine message and exposure to mass media message family planning.

Conclusions: This study shows magnitude of contraceptive utilization was low and it might be due to lack of information about family planning. Therefore, policy maker and concerned body should consider dissemination family of planning information by mass media.


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How to Cite

Yesuf, K. A., Liyew, A. D., & Bezabih, A. K. (2021). Impact of exposure to mass media on utilization modern contraceptive among adolescent married women in Ethiopia: evidence from Ethiopia demographic health survey 2016. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 7(9), 434–442.



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