Cross fused ectopic kidney a rare congenital malformation with review of literature


  • Tanveer Parvez Shaikh Department of Surgery, DY Patil School of Medicine, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Sharique Ansari Department of Surgery, DY Patil School of Medicine, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Thahir VU Department of Radiology, DY Patil School of Medicine, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Nisha Mandhane Department of Surgery, DY Patil School of Medicine, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Sangram Karandikar Department of Surgery, DY Patil School of Medicine, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra



Crossed fused renal ectopia, Urinary system anomalies, Ureter, Embryology, Renal anomaly


Crossed renal ectopia is one of the rarest urinary system anomalies. It is more often seen at autopsy than in clinical practice. Most cases of renal ectopia remain asymptomatic during life and are diagnosed incidentally. Renal ultrasonography, intravenous pyelography, computerized tomography, and renal scintigraphy (technetium-based tests) are the imaging methods used for diagnosis. Demonstration of crossed renal ectopia is important because it is a predisposing factor for obstruction, infection, and neoplasia of the urinary system. We report male patient who had unremarkable clinical findings. He had left-to-right inferior crossed renal ectopia with fusion. Surgeons should be aware of ectopic and fused kidneys to minimize perioperative complications because of the uncertain anatomy.


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How to Cite

Shaikh, T. P., Ansari, S., VU, T., Mandhane, N., & Karandikar, S. (2015). Cross fused ectopic kidney a rare congenital malformation with review of literature. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 1(3), 166–168.



Case Reports